Tuesday, July 6, 2010


July 06, 2010

There here! This morning we had Flamin Fury PF1, Candor, and Harrow Diamond on the Market. There were a whole lot of split pits, but the recent dry weather has concentrated the sugars and flavor making them sweet and tasty.

There is little doubt among peach experts that SW Lower Michigan is one of the top three places in the world to grow peaches, and as for me, it's the number one place. Our sandy soils and usually dry summers just make ideal conditions for peach growing. Here's hoping for continued dry weather....

As for other farm products on the market now, we're seeing some fine, "hard as bullets" sweet cherries coming in from  Northern Michigan. Ulster seems to be the primary variety right now, but I expect to see other great sweet varieties for at least another ten days or so. See our "Available Now" page for details about other farm products.

Finally, with the recent string of dry weather, everything is tasting a whole lot better, and everything is showing a vastly improved shelf life, especially berries.

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